Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Persuasive Letter to Parents

                                                                   March 5, 2014
Dear Mom & Dad,
      Here are a few things that we REALLY wish we could do/have and our reasons why we think we are ready. Please consider our ideas.
                     Room 305


  1. Dear Mom and Dad,
    Hi! Have you ever wondered why I want a new cat. Let me explain. The cat we have right know is relly nice. But don't you think she is oreety lonely without a friend. Like what if you didn't have a brother when you where a kid. First, I know you whant a cat. But dad is allergic to cats. But I have a solution to to that after dad pets the cat he can wash is hands relly good. Or he could were gloves when he pets the cat. Second, I will feed the cat. And you will get the food for him. You could also groom the cat and do all the stufft that needs to be done to keep him clean. I wii also change the litter box. Well it"s time to wrap this up. I hope you think about getting a new cat.


    Seamus :)

  2. dear mom and dad , March 5, 2014

    Hi, mom and dad I want to have my cartalage might be woried that I might get a ear infection buy its ok : ) . If you let me get my cartalage peirced I will pay the bills and be nice to my brother at the cabin and feed the dogs for the mouth and teach landon how to skate an swim : ) .so please please please please plaese please please please please pleaseplaese plaese plaese plaese plaese plaese plaese plaese plaese plaese decide soon. yes or no
    as you can see i am very responseable

  3. March 5, 2014
    Dear Parents,
    Hi! Have you ever wondered why your parents wouldn't get you something that you wanted? Well, I will do many things for you to get me a phone, such as: feed the chickens and collect the eggs for 4 weeks, and do my hardest in swimming for FOREVER! I will almost do anything for you guys to get me a phone! I know you might be wondering why I want a phone. Well, I want my own phone for safety, for example if we got separated we could call each other and tell each other where we are and you could come and pick me and Ellie up. I also wanted a phone because I could play a few games while I'm on a field trip in 4th grade to Sacramento. I think you think that I'm to young for a phone. But, It is possible to get separated some where and we could use the phones to contact each other and tell each other where we are at. Please let me have my very own phone???
    p.s. I was thinking a phone OR a I-pad.

  4. march 5, 2014
    Dear parents,
    I know you won't let me get a snake but I really want one. I want a corn snake. I will walk tilly (dog) I will put the plates up and clean my room. I will pay for it, feed it, and take care of it. I will put it in my room on my desk an by a tank for it with my money. I know worried that it will escape and eat a cat but I will watch it. It would be so much fun to play with. And if I lost it , be simple to find because they are yellow, white, long, and big. I hope you let me get one.


  5. March5,2014
    Dear parents,
    I know you won't let me have a hamster. But why? I'm ready for it. I know you might think I won't play with it, or won't take care of it. But let me explain. But if you let me have one I'll do anything. I'll wash the dishes for a year, or I'll do my bed for a year. Just please let me have one. I'll pay for it. I'll change its food and water. I'll play with it .I'll pay for its food. Just please let me have one. I beg you. Please please please let me have one. I'll do any thing you ask me for. You could pick it out. I'll pay. ''Here circle yes or no.''
    (yes) (no)

  6. March 5, 2014
    Dear Parents,
    Remember when you say I can't stay up late? Well, it's because you're worrying I wouldn't wake up in the morning. Did you know that when you sleep you're tired in the morning? That's because the stuff that makes you sleep isn't out of you're body yet. If you don't sleep that much you won't be tired in the morning. So, there's nothing much to worry about. I pledge I won't be tired in the morning. That's why were tired when we go to sleep at night.

  7. March 5,2014
    Dear Mom,
    Mom I really want my ead rs pierced . might be wondering that I ;m, to yog but I'm not .and d I going to but . I;m going to be fashionable . with My erring on and it is goin to be fel god . with that I going to be anamazing .If I get my ears pierced .BY MOM. love.


  8. March 5, 2014
    Dear parents,
    I know you think I am to young to be a babysitter but I saved Williams life. First, I saved A little boys life. you should let me. Next, I would do all the chores. I would get rid of toys. I would feed the horses. Clean there stalls. Lastly, I would let Megan Help me we would practice on Bailey. I would do it with Jillian and after do fun things with her after. Love you!!!!


  9. March 5, 2014
    Dear parents,
    I relly want the lego flying scots men. I know they don't sell themany more on amazon. But sum people sell them on aweb site. I know that your thinking that it cost allot of money. But I want to save allot of that money. I know I havent sed this in a long time. But I wanted it sins I was 6. I want more money for Christmas. And some for Estere. And some from Valentines Day. So please can I have the legoflying scots men.

    Love ,

  10. march5,2014
    dear mom and dad
    why wont you let me have a dirt bike ? I now you mat be concerned about falling over on the dirt bike but I wont because I'm actually responsible because I have a bike also I now how to use the gas pedals and how to turn. and dad I now you want me to use my muscles and make me ride a normal bike but once in a while I want to take breaks of riding normal bikes. I now you are wondering why I want a dirt bike but I want one because I don't have any thing that runs by gas. But you might also be concerned because I could get injured but I could have armor on. Also you may be concerned about me crashing on my yard but instead we can go and go somewhere that is a dirt bike park.

    1. make sure you have the closing and signature. but I do like your blog a lot!!!

  11. March5,2014
    Dear Parents,
    I know you might be woundering why I want a phone. But you say I am to yong. I am acturly old enoff to have a phone. I know you might be worred that I might do bad things on my phone. But I am mochor enoff I can have one. I am responeble to have one. I not just a kid I can have one. I want this more than anything. Please, can I have one. Can you please change your mind.

  12. March 5, 2014
    Dear Mom and Dad,

    I think you know how much I have been asking for a guinie pig as a pet. And I know that sometimes you think I am not actually that responsible. ( Cause I don't even put my things away). But I am actually responsible. And I know you are a little bit worried about me having a pet but let me explain. I really have a lot of responsibilities but sometimes you don't understand me that much. I will also give you some examples of how I'm responsible. I can take my own bath, I can take care of Aliya and Jafer ( which are my brother and sister) , I can also make sure mak3e sugar cookies , and milkshakes, smoothies, and drinks. In conclusion, I'm really really ready for a pet.

  13. March 5, 2014
    Dear parents,
    I know you might be thinking that im not ready for an xbox360 but im carful with my 3ds.why cant i have a xbox becuse. I know a lot about it and i will take care of it.And play on it becuse the xbox is not hevey to carrey and i can buy some games for it i know its hard to make the deal but im very responsble and good at playing video games and im very good at it and I can wiat until tm older.

  14. march3/5/14
    dear mom
    Iwant candy evry day you may wonder if I may get fat . but I will go arond the lack . I will eat a peas of spineg evry day for a month I will do the dishes i willl do the landry i will do my homewok.

  15. March 5, 2014
    Dear Mom,
    I know you might think that getting me a laptop will be too expensive and would not make any sense. but let me explain, I will do many things to make you better at doing computer stuff. First, I can educational programs like Jiji or typing Web which is good for me. I will only play for an hour or so. Maybe I will calculate stuff that you will most likely need. Or I can help you with stuff you never thought of. Second, I can make programs to help you to being better at computers. You might even sometime be better than me at computers! You can also learn to make programs. For example I can make you an account for Scratch which helps learn to make programs. Third, I can make a thing that shows you how to eliminate products on easily. You can even be better than me. I can also be trying to make to make your own computer programs(professional)
    I hope you will say yes, again please!!!

    Your good and begging Venya

  16. March 5 2014
    Dear parents, I want a DS . Lots of other kids have them . Ther might be disney games . I bet Seamus has one . I will take a class to learn how to use it .
    your Randy

    1. I do have an ds but your little brother and will get jeolus. P.s. the games are pretty violent:) my brother got jelous and thew myn in the bath tub:(

  17. March 5, 2014
    Dear mom,
    Have you ever wanderd why I want a phone because then I can call and texst my friends .And if you need to get a hold of me. You mite not nowe their number. I andr stad if you mite benervis.

  18. March5,,,,,2014


    Mom why can I have the big room? can I please have the master bed room? Can I please have that room please. please have that room please. Mom why do you always say I cant have this room. Will I rilly whant this room. can I please please please have this room.
    love max

  19. Dear mom
    I would like to have a bird. I know what you are thinking. I am too young to have a bird. But I will care of it. I will be good and I will not buy a loud bird. I will buy a quite bird.

  20. Dear mom and grandma march5,2014
    Hi! you know I really wont a pet. ecpechelly a dog. I want a very fluffy. maybe one that looks like a flufball. or a cut one that is fuzzy. it doesn't even have to be a dog it could be a duck. as long as its 2 ducks. and at least one is a jumbo pickon. so you disid ether a dog or 2 ducks. I know you are worrying I am not moocher inuff. I know you think I am not old inoff. but I am so please can I have a dog or 2 ducks.

  21. March 5, 2013
    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Hi, How are you? I really want a you tube account. You are probably thinking "What, why would I give you a you tube account?" Well, I will explain. First off, I will post appropriate stuff for example: Antichamber, Brade, Yet it moves, Minecraft etc.. I will post appropriate pictures. I will not cuss. I will do chores for a year. I will be nice to Jade for a year. Ok, Maybe six months. Please, I beg you, I'll do anything.


    PS maybe not the 'be nice to Jade' thing I mentioned.

  22. March 5, 2014

    Dear Mom and Dad,
    Hi! How are you doing? Have you ever wanted to stay up later? Let me explain, be since I don't get sleepy until a little over 11:00. It's hard to go to sleep when you are not tired yet. I will work harder and I will do the best I can. Only once in a great, great while I like to sleep. Plus its always FUN to stay up late! When you stay up late you get to play and hang around longer before you go to bed. Those are the reasons why I want to stay up late.

  23. March 5,2014
    Dear parents,
    Hi! have you ever wondered if I wanted a phone. Let me tell you why I need a phone. I need a phone because papa can forget me and Dayton of if I wanted to play with Dayton so I have to call you. Another reason I want a phone is because maybe I can get lost and I call you.

  24. March 6, 2014
    Dear Mom and Dad,
    Have you ever wanted something that you never got? Well that is my life I would like BIG paper for my white board. I would do extra chores for a full four weeks!!! If I get the paper I will use it a lot. I would use it for math, I would use it for writing, and a lot more. It is also fun to just write on paper and pretend you are a teacher. Maybe one day I could be a teacher and if I practice now I can be an expert when I grow up! Clearly, you can tell how much I want big paper for my white board!

    Abby =)

  25. March 6, 2014
    Dear Mom and Dad,

    You are probably wondering why you are writing this letter to you. Well I really want my OWN desk. Well, I need my own desk because my brother is so mean to me. Sometimes, well I say sometimes...but I mean all the times he is mean. Here is a couple of things he does to me: flick pencils in my eye, and throw erasers in my face. I also need a desk because I like working in the dark and Tyler does not! I like working in the dark because it helps you eyes get bigger, and better, and bolder. Also I can have my own privacy to draw pictures of our beautiful family.

    P.S. Tyler has been flicking pencils more than you think.

  26. March 6, 2013

    Dear Mom and Dad,
    I want A Disney infinity!!!! You might be thinking "what is a infinity?!" A infinity is a thing that you put archon figures on. Here are some reasons I want a infinity.1, It looks fun to play. 2, It is cool. 3, It has Anna and Else.4,I would do ANY thing to get a infinity!!!!! I would do the dishes and found close!!!!! I will save up my Christmas money to get a infinity!!!!! I really want a infinity!!!!!!!

  27. March 6,2014
    Dear mom and dad,
    Hi! This might be a bit crazy but I want 4 tickets to New York to see Belen. please I have been very good in homework! all you guys might be thinking no. I will be nice to my brother for ever well he needs to be nice to me in stead. any ways you will still give me a curfew right? please the last time I saw her was uh oh yes in kindergarten. I have never been to New York. I want to see her. Please?

  28. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is Green Eggs and Ham. I like that book because it tells us an important message. The message is '' it doesn't matter the way it looks, it matters the way it tastes. The book also had sort of a pattern. Just because something looks bad doesn't mean they taste bad.


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