1. What are your top 3 favorite Dr. Seuss books of all time?
2. Pick one of those books; tell us what it is about and why you like it in detail.
Please be sure to try to include many adjectives in each sentence!
Your entries must be 8 or more sentences long.
Horton Hears a Who is funny because some of them talk strange. it's also crazy because some of them run around like it's the end of the world. The story is dangerous because cracks open up in the Who's world.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Dr.Seuss book is And to think I saw it on Mulberry street and The Lorax. I like And to think I saw it on Mulberry street because the kid turned something into something else into something else into something else ext. I like The Lorax because of the imagination put into it by Dr.Seuss I really like it because of the imagination all put to gather I really like Dr.Seuss books.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Dr. Seuss book is The Lorax because it is very funny and has a good lesson. I think the lesson is that you should respect nature because the Onceler was very bad to the forest of owned by the Lorax. My favorite part is when The Lorax came out of the tree. It was very cool. My second favorite part was when the city was made by the Onceler. It was awesome. I hope that was also your favorite.
ReplyDeleteMy 3 favorite books of all time Dr.Seuss are Horton Hears a Who, mulberry street and oh the places we will go. I like mulberry street because I like how the main character uses his imagination to make up stuff like a guy riding a elephant and a guy that has a beard 10ft. long. The other book I like is Horton hears a who because I like how Horton the elephant I trying to find the thing that make the noise. the last book I like is oh the places we will go because they just around the world. bye Dr.Seuss rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Dr.Seuss book is Green eggs and ham. It is my favorite book because the pictures in the book are funny. I also like it because it is a rhyming book. Another reason I like it is that I like to read the crazy words in the book.I also like it because I like gow he draws his characters. The next reason I like it is I like how he makes the funny names for the characters.This is why I like Green eggs and ham. What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Dr. Suees book is all the places you will go. I like this book becuse thats wats it is going tobe like when i am older. I have alredy been liking this book becuse it has a lot of ryming in it but it can be preety oning when you read it . My brother is also reely likes this book and i bett a lot of people like as well as me. It always cheers me up when i read this book. my second favorite Dr. Suees book isall the thinks you will think. I think this is a good book becuse it has a bunch of rymes in it. The other reson i like this becuse it has a lot of adjective in the book. tthird i like it becuse it has a lot of made up words like thiks. well it's time to wrap this up. I hope you liked my blog BY!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDid you know Dr.Seuss book are faumus for there name like The Cat And The Hat, The Lorax, ABCs. My faorite is The Cat And In The Hat.. First,I like it for how it brings out words and expresionns. when somithing brings out your words. So you should read it to make words fun. Next, I like it be cause it is a old time clasic. Pluse my cousins favirote book. She loves Dr. seuss.Lastly, it is a good book to share with your family. For everyone in the family. In conclusion, Dr. seuss ROCKS.
ReplyDeleteI really like your story!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDr. seuss has written many books. My top 3 favorites are Oh, the places you'll go, Horton hears a who and Green egg and ham. My favorite out of those 3 is Green eggs and ham. It is a very popular book. The reason I like it is it is interesting and has made up, cool, weird, characters. And one other reason I think it is cool is because it is interesting and creative. I think it is a creative book because Dr.seuss makes up new words and different creatures. As you can see, these books are adored and loved all because of the famouse... DR.SUESS!!
... BYE!!!
By: Abigail C.
My favorite Dr.Suess story
ReplyDeletemy favorite Dr.Suess books are green eggs and ham, oh the places you'll go and the cat in the hat. my most favorite is green eggs and ham. i like green eggs and ham becauseit's very funny and has many interesting and funnny names, for example one of them is :sam I am instead of i am Sam.I recommend this book if are always hungry on ham and eggs and if you like the color green. Some details are 1:some character asks another character to make him eat green eggs and ham. 2:At the end the other charactersays "yes'. my favorite is when the other "no" all of the time I like it because I always say "no" to my little sister. All in all greeen eggs and ham totally deserves to be the best book of all Dr.Suess books .
Venya J. K.
My favorite book of Dr. Suess is one fish , two , red fish , blue fish. And here are some reasons why. Its fun, funny, rhyming and I love to read. This is actually a book on every page it has rhymes. Did you know that my favorite colors that go together are red and blue? I use those colors for my American flag drawings. This book has lots of pictures in it. I love this book And I also love Dr. suess books.
ReplyDeleteMy top three favorite Dr.Seuss books are Cat in the Hat, One fish Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish, and Green Eggs and Ham. Only my favorite is Green Eggs and Ham. This book is going to be about a little boy named Sam and he wants to give green eggs and ham to a guy. Only the guy doesn't want any. So Sam wants him to try it and the guy gets mad. But than at the end he trys it. And he likes it and wants more. I like Green Eggs and Ham. I think its funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy three favorite Dr. sues books are one fish two fish red fish blue , green eggs and ham and oh the places you go. first im going to be talking about green eggs and ham. So the main part of this story is that there's this guy and hes trying to convince him to like green eggs and ham. But the other guy keeps on telling the other guy no i do not like green eggs and ham. next im going to be telling you aboutone fish two fish red fish blue fish so this book is about rhming and it says onre fish to fish red fish blue fish and they saysome are bad and some are nice and small and other stuff like that. next im going to be talking about someone who travels a long way. all in all i recomend these books.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favorite dr. Seuss book? today I am going to tell you my favorite dr Seuss book .First my top 3 Dr Seuss books are the Lorax green eggs an ham,and abc. next my favorite book is the lorax . my favorite part is when he came out of the tree stump. lastly, have you seen the truffela trees
ReplyDeleteMy three favorite Dr. Suess books are The Happy Birthday Bird, The Grinch, and Oh, The Places You'll Go. My most favorite book is The Happy Birthday Bird.I recommend this book because it talks about how wonderful your birthday is.I like birthdays even when they're not mine.I like the cakes and goody bags.I love to give presents(even though birthdays aren't for presents). My favorite quote from the book is"Your birthday is special, all your friends come.That quote is special because the most important thing is having friends.I love The Happy Birthday Bird.
ReplyDeleteMy favort dr. Seuess book is The Lorax .Becuase The Lorax is the gratis book in the world. And way is ti the gratest chinsnsd book in the word ? Well I think the lorax is the GREATEST stor y in the wond is becase the aother is one fo the word . BY.
ReplyDeleteDr. sues is an amazing author! He is a popular author! He makes great children's books! My three favorite Dr. suess book's are. First my least favorite of the three. The luraex. 2nd. The cat in the hat. And 1st. Green eggs and ham! It is a great book for picky eaters. In conclusion green eggs and ham is my favorite book and I hope you like it to!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Dr. Seuss books are Go! Dog Go!, Ole the places ye'll go, and Green eggs and ham. First, Go Dog Go was the first book I ever read. And that's why its my favorite. I also like it because it has allot of dogs. Second, ole the places ye'll go is my second favorite book. I read it with the school and Mrs. Barns last year. Its my second favorite book because I read it with Mrs. Barns. Third, I recamend this book because it was the first book that I read to my mom. I recamend go dog go to my family. I recamend ole the places ye'll go to my school. Clearly as you can see I like Dr. Seuss books.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dr seuss book is green eggs and ham .i like this book. because the charchsters are sam i am and the grinch .and the grinch .dosint want green eggs and ham. because he never tried it. and in the end he wants to have it with every thing. and with a mouse on a car.
ReplyDeleteDr.susse made many books. I'm going to tell you my favorite one, If I ran the circus. First, I like it becuse it is entertanig. There is lot of animals. A lot of them do tricks. Second, it is funny. A man is flying 4,000 feet on a pipe. And he resals a giant bear. Lastly, it has a lot of imaginashion. There is a per of rollar skate skies. This is why i like if i ran a circus.
ReplyDeleteDr.seuss is a good kids writer. I have three favorite Dr.seuss they are fox in socks ,Green eggs and ham and ,The cat in the hat.But really it's green eggs an ham. I like to recommend this book because in the end it tells you if it looks weird it douse not mean it taste bad. If you like easy long riming books this is the book for you. Do you like green eggs and ham.
ReplyDeleteMy faforite dr.suss book is green eggs and ham because sam I am was saying whuld you like them here or ther but he the other giy whold say i do not them here or there becase he did not triy green eggs and ham they are tast ol rigt then he liket them and he sad i like them yes i do they are tasty yes they are do you like them o yes i do they are tasty how they can be you like them