Friday, March 14, 2014

Persuasive Letter: Save Wilbur

Write a persuasive letter to Mr. Zuckerman to save your friend Wilbur's life!Make sure you address your audience and use the OREO method.


  1. March 14, 2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    I really think you shouldn't kill Wilbur. I mean, your just going to do it for bacon. I really like bacon too, but he could have such a nice live. If I had a chose to kill him or not, I wouldn't. He's such a talented, great, and sweet pig. He's so cute and honest. He deserves to live. And I mean you should give him a chance. I'll do any thing, I promise. I hope you understand.

    March 14, 2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,

    Hi! I am writing to you because I don't want you to kill Wilbur for your Christmas meal! I know you might be concerned that you won't have a meal for Christmas, but I have ideas. Let me explain. Maybe instead of killing my darling Wilbur you could get turkey or Mashed potatoes and fish and carrots. My best idea is fish and chips. I know it is Brittish and all but, it IS delicious. The chips aren't common chips, they are fries. And the fish isn't anything but fish wrapped in bread. I don't think Wilbur deserves to die. After all his friends would miss him and he IS a part of the family. At least mine. If you killed him I would not eat MY family! What if YOU were ME and had to convince your uncle not to kill my used to be pig? If you didn't do any thing you would be crying when you saw that your own uncle killed your used to be pig. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY USED TO BE PIG, WILBUR?!

  3. March 14, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman
    I know you want to kill Wilbur and I've got some reasons why. First, I raised as a pet. I get to chose what I do with him. I've been locking after him for a long time. Second, every one would miss him. The geese would miss him the sheep would miss him. Also me and the spider. Lastly, I recommend a cow to eat for Christmas. It would taste just as good. And it would be bigger. Please don't kill Wilbur.

  4. March 14, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    I know you might be wondering that you will have no Christmas dinner but let me explain, someone will give you a better pig, who knows? First, Wilbur can be the winner of the county fair. If you win the county fair you will become famous In your county. everyone wants to be popular in their county. Second, everyone will come around from different places to see your web that has words on it. Everyone likes when people come around from all over the place just to see YOUR barn for 24/7 (24 hours a day 7 days a week) Third, Wilbur deserves a life really bad. if you do kill Wilbur you won't be rich $$$$ .I hope you'll do so.


  5. March 12,2014 Dear Mr. Zuckerman, Don't kill Wilber he's my best friend. First, he was Ferns pig she would never sell Wilber to you if she ever so you would break her heart. SO DON'T KILL WILBER! Next, I know you might be worrying about Christmas dinner but if you tell Fern that your eating her pig she would be furious that is another reason YOU DON'T KILL WILBER. So are you thinking about it. Lastly, Fern would be in her bed crying until you said I will buy you a new pig just like Wilber. His personality's one more thing eat the Gander instead. So are you thinking of not killing Wilber you are so gullible. DON'T KILL WILBER

  6. March 14, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    I'm writing to you because I want to save Wilbur's life. I know you're wondering what you're going to have for Christmas dinner. You can have chicken for dinner. Chicken is what I have for Christmas dinner. If, you have cows you can have beef for Christmas dinner. Beef is my favorite kind of meat to eat. Don't kill Wilbur, he's a really special pig. Why didn't you think of buying stuff at the market. Let Wilbur die when he's supposed to die. Write back to me soon some time!!!

  7. Dear Mr. Zuckerman
    never kill Wilbur he is a specil pig. you no why he is magic. He can do magic tricks like make more food with his mind. He can also make the rat get relley relley fat in to seconds and he said that he can make a ballon out of hay and make it flote in made air. And HE DOES NOT WANT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also wants to see Santa Cluse he is reely exited to see him. The other thing he whats to do is you to spend time with him he is cind of getting lonely by him self in the barn


  8. March 14, 2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    I don't want Wilbur to die. First, Wilbur was a little runt. He also is a good friend. And I'm trying to save his life. Second, I'm helping Charlotte the spider. And I like Wilbur so much. I'm not going to kiss him. Third, the Gander, Goose, and the 7 goslings all don't want Wilbur to die. Templeton wont be fat any more. The sheep and lams don't want Wilbur to die. Clearly as you can see I like Wilbur so please don't kill him.


  9. March 14, 2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    Hi! How are you? I know you want to kill Wilbur for Christmas diner. But I think I have a better solution. Wilbur is much more gentle then other pigs. Wilbur cares about his friends about his friends and since Wilbur wrote SOME PIG your going to get a lot of money. Wilbur is also happy and does not deserve to die. Besides Wilbur was my pig first. And I think I should choose what happens to him. I really don 't want Wilbur to die. I know that you mite be worrying that you won't have Christmas diner. But you can have something else then ham.
    From, Gern

  10. March 14,2014

    dear Mr. Zuckerman
    please do not kill Wilbur. But I now you may be worrying about Christmas dinner. But you should not kill Wilbur because he is a very special pig. He's a special pig because did you see what Wilbur made? he made a very special web. Also please do not kill Wilbur because I like to see him every day. And instead of killing Wilbur you can eat something else besides pork like chicken. Or you can go by pork at the store instead. Or instead you can go vegetarian. Also you should not kill Wilbur because he is very smart. And he has ben my friend since he lived here in fact he is one of my best friends. So it is a good idea to go vegetarian. And we all think Wilbur is a special pig and everyone think Wilbur deserves to live. and Wilbur is also special because he could jump really high.

    from charlotte

  11. March 14, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    Hi! please don't kill Wilbur! Wilbur is an amazing pig! He is a very active pig! He is a very strong pig! I know you are thinking you wont get dinner. you can buy it! I know you are thinking why buy it when you can get it from Wilbur!? it is a lot less money than buying a bunch of milk! you should enter Wilbur into a contest! he might win because of his web! so don't kill Wilbur! thank you!


  12. 14,2014

    dear Mr. Zukerman,
    Mr. Zukerman do not kill Wilbur. I no you mite be wiring what will we have no diner but you can by it from the sort . and your a good man but not a good ilk . You bark your neses heart do not kill willerb he is my best friend .by.
    to Mr. . Zukerman



  13. march14,201


    pleas donn't kill wilber pleas.I now you donn't understand wilber is a good pig.Wilber is a really good pig . He is good. he is nice.he is really good pig.can you buy a pig.

  14. March 14 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    salutation Mr. Zuckerman. I know you mite be wondering your not going to have pork for Christmas diner but I have a plan. First, you can eat chicken for Christmas diner. Plus pigs are dirty and roll in the mud. Next, you can eat turkey for diner. It is really easy to catch if your quiet. Last, I herd charlotte say a way to save Wilber. charlotte even said a speech. You should not eat Wilber he is nice.

  15. dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    in my opinion you shouldn't kill Wilbur. the first reason why you shouldn't kill Wilbur is what if is ham an bacon tastes good. besides you should get rid of the smoke house. There is stores here .you do not kill the cows plz !!!! love fern ( aka) lauren

  16. March 14, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman
    I know you mite be wored that you mite not have Christmas diner. But let me egspan you can geyt at syfway. I do not want you to kill Wilber. I hared you say Wilber is going to be Chistimas diner. Do not kill Wilber. I thenk he is vaery sweet. Why do you want to do that.

  17. march14,2013 Dear Mr. Zucker man pleasdo not kill Willber.all of the amolese exept tempten the nasty rat love him. you mitte be concerned you will not have critmas diner but you can have stor bote diner

  18. Dear Mr. Zuckerman, 3/14/14
    In my opinion I think you should not kill Wilbur. I know you might be wondering why I am telling you to not to kill Wilbur. I don't want you to kill Wilbur because Wilbur has lots of friends at the farm. I know you might be thinking I still want to kill Wilbur. Fern does not want you to kill Wilbur. Let me tell you why you should keep Wilbur as a pig. I think you should do this because Fern loves him. And I Charlotte love him. And the old sheep. And the other animals. Wilbur should not be killed because everyone in the farm even Fern loves him. In my opinion I think you should not kill Wilbur. Sincerely,


  19. march14 2014 dear Mr zuckerman
    I would do anything to save wilbur;s life.First i would sit on my chair outside wilburs pig pen. Then put a lock on the pen and put the code in. second i would hide wilbur in the chiken coop then wait til mr zuckerman changes his mind.

  20. March 14,2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman ,
    Hi. I am Charlotte and this letter is to you to save Wilbur's life. I know you want to kill Wilbur and make him into bacon, ham, and hot dogs. I also know you might be worrying that you will not be able to have a Christmas dinner but let me explain Mr. Zuckerman. I am Wilbur's best friend and Wilbur has many more... but none of us want him to die in the barn cellar exept for a small rat named Templeton. But know he understands. So we really don't want you to kill Wilber. And if you still don't want to lisen . And you still want to kill Wilbur then give Wilbur back to Fern. And find another spring pig. Lastly, if you just want to kill Wilbur cause that's your goal. Just really don't. In conclusion, please do not kill Wilbur. And I hope you understand.
    Your friend the spider,

  21. Dear Mr.zuckerman,
    Hi! it's Wilbur. Mr.zuckerman please don't make me into bacon, ham, or hot dogs because im still a young pig who belongs to a sweet little girl. i want to live for a long time so i can spend more time with fern. i really want to live longer than a spring pig. the first reason i want to live a long time is because i can meet some of charlotte's baby spiders and if a new animal come to the farm i can be his friend. Another reason i don't want to die is becase i still want to stay with my friends and i can still be loved by my owner. the last reason i want to live longer is because i can be with more friends if some of my old friends die.

  22. Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    Please do not kill Wilbur! Wilbur's food is also a rat's food named Templeton. Did you know that there is a county fair in September? You can take Wilbur to the Fair. He can win prize money, and you can be famous. Everyone wants to be famous. Wilbur is some pig. He is terrific. He is RADIANT! You should not kill Wilbur. He is special. He is well-liked in the barn.

  23. March 17, 2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    You should kill Wilbur because he is so big. And if you will kill him you will get lots of ham and bacon. The ham and bacon will be good. you will also get lots of money because you can sell the ham and bacon. And the ham and bacon you eat will taste good. All that free bacon will be good. Who cares what the web says. The spider is trying to trick you. He is not going to win the blue ribbon. you are already famous because you had the writing on the web in your barn. It will be useless to take him to the county fair. If you take him to the county fair he may win the blue ribbon but still just roast him. He will be tasty.


  24. Dear Mr. Zuckerman Please do not kill Wilbur. He is a innocent pig. What if he wins first place he county fair? You will also be killing a famous pig. please don't kill him. He wants to live his life! He wants to live his life! You wouldn't want to be killed! Me and Charllotte and the barn animals don't want him to be killed except Templeton. Templeton is mean and selfish. You might get thousands of dollars at the fair if you win first place. You saw all those words in the web. Some Pig, Terrific, and Radiant. I hope you change your mind about killing Wilbur. If you do write back soon!


  25. Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    Hi! I want to tell you not to kill Wilbur for any reason. Wilbur is a good friend to animals in the barn. If you kill Wilbur he won't win a prize at the county fair. Making Wilbur into a hotdog or meat for Christmas or thanksgiving dinner? No, you could just get either one at the store. Wilbur is a good little pig. He'll do grait with without you killing him. Why do you want to kill a good little pig? If Wilbur wins a prize will you kill him? Don't kill Wilbur.

    The Spider Charlotte

  26. Dear Mr. Zuckerman
    hello I am Templeton reporting to you live. About why you should kill Wilbur. Wilbur is a cry baby. He is a scardey cat. The cons are that he may die and the trof may be empty! but I can find my own food. So let him die into the heavens. So that I don't have to fetch stuff. Over and over agen. well that's it so by now

    your rat friend

  27. March 18, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,

    I'm Templeton the rat. I think you should kill Wilbur and make him into ham, bacon, and hot dogs! I don't want to see Wilbur again. Even if he wins at the County Fair I still want you to kill him. Just please, PLEASE, PLEASE kill Wilbur. He's going to be smokey bacon, ham, and hot dogs. If you kill Wilbur I will give $100.000's! I hope you kill Wilbur. I can't wait to eat bacon, ham, and hot dogs! Have a good day.


  28. March 18,2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman
    Hi! how are you . I am fine . Why are you going to kill Wilbur ?I know You want some tasty bacon ,ham, and Hot dogs . But have you ever herd of a store . Well I don't think you have because YOU LIVE IN A FARM far away from any thing else .But anyway a store sells All the stuff you need !So don't kill Wilbur ! YOU PAY FOR A PIG IT'S JUST LIKE PAYING AT A STORE . INSTED OF BYING A PIG EVRY YEAR .You can just pay at a store . So don't kill Wilbur.

    Love ,
    Fern & Charlotte

  29. March 18, 2014

    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    Hi! Today I will be saying to you why you should not kill Wilbur. You might be thinking that you will not be able to eat or make Wilbur into bacon and hot dogs. Now that you want to kill Wilbur, everybody knows why you are giving him lots of food and fattening him. And besides, who knows? Maybe you will change your mind, and end up going to the County Fair. And maybe Wilbur will even end up winning the blue ribbon! Or maybe even better. Nobody knows! Not until you try it. I will give you some time to think about it. Let me know when you decide.
    Charlotte the spider

  30. March 20,2014
    Dear Mr. Zuckerman,
    Hi my name is charlotte. Nice to meet you. I now you want to have Christmas dinner. but please do not use Wilbur to be your dinner everyone in the barn want Wilbur to stay except for a rat named Tempelton. He is a really mean rat. He only cares about himself not about the other anumals.. He stole the goose egg and it cracked open when Avery fell on it. Fern raised Wilbur very kindly but once Wilbur went to the farm he was lonely. When he met me He was having a friends and was having a good time. ALL the animals in the farm enjoy playing with Wilbur and ALL want him to stay alive. Wilbur does not want his life to end until he has fun.


  31. March 21, 2014
    Dear Mrs. & Mr. Zuckerman,

    Hi, How are you doing? I am fine.
    Have you thought about Christmas dinner? You should kill Wilbur. You'll starve at Christmas. Don't you want to Celebrate? Do you think Fern would care? ahe probably wouldn't. So if you want to survive, Kill Wilbur.



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