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I love spring break. First, I went horseback riding at a Aribba Vista. There you got to ride your very own horse and take care of them. You even got go on horse trails. Also, I went to dance class. We got to finish the whole dance. At the end I was the only one on stage. Fanilly, I went to acting workshop. We got to use real acting things. It was amazing. I loved it!!!
ReplyDeletefirst I went to my cousins race at stanofrd university. I went there with my mom, dad, and my uncle. My uncle got me a Stanford soccer ball. next my freind and me went to club sport in pleasanton. we went to the kid area first. then when my mom came to pick us up we went rock climbing down stairs. then he came over to my house. then later we took him home. lastly i went to my grandmas to go on a bike ride behind here house with my friend the place were we ride is next to the creek. when we were half way done with are bike ride we went to the park. the park hade rock climbing wall and a giant play ground. all in all i had a good spring break.
ReplyDeleteMy favit part of spring brak is chring out for gynnasynt !! My sitter did it to ! My techer was Holly she is tuns of fun ! She was nice tow !!!! we did the Bem and Fool !!!!! my mom thot I was going to stae on the low Bem but I did not !! All in all I thik I had fun .BY
ReplyDeleteThe best part of sping break is when my cousins came over to play. I was so excited becuase I hadn't seen them in a year because they live in Nashville Tennese. They got to stay for about 3 hours. But at least we go to see them for a long time. I played legos and lego friends with them and that was an enjoyible time with my cousins Then, Me and Ellie and my cousins all played with pretend light sabers and chased eachother in circles. then, Me and my cousins played alittle more legos and then they had to go home. That time I had was a very great time!!
My favorite part of spring break was going to Boreal. First, I got to go sledding. I went on 4 little hills and 1 big hill. My favorite was the big hill because It was very long. Second, I got to ride a snowmobile. I got to ride for 5 minutes. My sister got ride one too. Third I went to eat. I had a hot dog, a corn dog, some fries, and a hot chocolate. All in all, spring break was an awesome time.
ReplyDeleteOver spring break I played a Pinkie pie game with my mom and sister. Plus we made my sister be something she didn't like but she ended up liking it. I was Pinkie pie and she was Rainbow Dash. She was a peguses and I was an earth poney. I liked it because Pinkie pie is really funny and fun to play with. Rainbow Dash is really sporty and she thinks she is awesome. In conclusion, I had the best spring break ever!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of spring break is going to my brothers baseball game at Harvey Green. First, I went to my friends house then I came home. After I came home my family went to Harvey Green. Then my brother practiced before the game started. Next, my brother was pitcher he was good. It was so hot that it felt like Los Angeles and it never rains there. After that my brother moved to center field. Lastly, after Grayson my little brother came for a snake he had an orange and an apple. Grayson went back on the field and it was time to switch. Know Grayson was batter. Grayson hit 2 balls by someone throwing it. In conclusion, this was a easy topic to write about.
ReplyDeleteSpring break is the best! My favorite part about spring break is that I got to go to the shooting range. First, I had a compitition how could shoot the most pidgins. (pidgens are clay discs) There were 20 targets and the girl next to me shoot none and I shoot all of theme. All in all I fund out I'm a good shooter By
ReplyDeleteI had a awesome time in Santa Cruz you should go. First I got to go to the pool at the hotel. We had an apartment it was like a home away from home. you got a beach view and access. Next, I went to the beach it was lots of fun. There was a little stream next to the beach. I collected sea shells and have a collection. Lastly, I went to the boardwalk. I went on rides like the giant dipper. At the end my mom shared funnel cake. I hope I was very persusive. So next spring break think about going to Santa Cruz.
The best part of spring break is when I went to the Mystery Spot. I liked it because my brother and I were volunteers. Being a volunteer is fun because you get to learn and demonstrate at the same time. Next, I like it because it is weird. The Tilted House for example, you have to stay tilted the opposite way so you won't fall over. Lastly, I liked it because our tour guide was funny. Our guide was named Jack. All in all, the Mystery Spot is the best place to be.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of Spring Break was when I got 2 little lego sets. First, 1 was a little train. You cuold make a cotch or a steamy. Or you cuold make a daesle. Second, I got a construction set. It came with a bobcat. It also came with a excavator. Third, it also came with a dumptruck. I made the bobcat. If I got another construction set I will make the dumptruck. Clearly as you can see I love little lego sets.
ReplyDeleteI love spring break my favorite part of spring break was when we played Uno. First, am going to tell you how to play Uno. you get 7 cards than pretend there is a blue 9 in the middle you have to put a blue or a 9.Next, am going to tell you what I did . I keep on skipping Clare's dad lastly. I am going to tell, you the winner. the winner was my mom. as you can see Uno is a fun game.!!!!,
ReplyDeleteTo my best part of springbreak was going down sugar 'n spice because it is a mountain and I was snow boarding down it with my mom,my brother ,and my best friend's sister. My mom and my best friend's sister when all the way down and me and my brother took a turn corkscrew and went down Broadway. My mom and best friend's sis took so long my Geoffrey and I went up Broadway again and we got the last lift up. That was the best part of my springbreak
ReplyDeleteThe best part of my spring break was swimming through the caves at the Westin Hotel. They were big, dark, and rocky. Every few feet there would be a hole in the ceiling for light. If you looked behind a certain rock there would be a swimming pool behind it. The bad part was that i cut my toe on a rock. I really want to go back to the caves again.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to tell you about my favorite part of spring break. First, my favorite thing was going on a bike ride. I got a new bike in spring break. It is big. Second, I went with Tyler. He is my best friend. He's also nice too. Lastly, we saw a frog. We went past a creek. Tyler and I thought it was cool. All in all the bike ride was my favorite part of spring break.
ReplyDeleteMy favoritepart about spring break is when i went to the park.First, we went on the way there were alot of terns.We finaly got there. Next, My sister took down my bike.Then she used it half way there.Last we went to a lake that had rocks and I fell. Iwas wet on one side i was going to walk alot more but we went back. Thiswas a fun time in spring break
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you about my spring break! the best part about my spring break was playing sonic adventure 2! It is a very fun game. I like the multi player and the single player! It is a very eixiting game. It is my brothers but he lets me play it. he lets me play it becase he wants to 100% it. To do that you need to get all the Emblems. you can get some in the choa garden but my brother does not want to do the choa garden so I do it! I like the choa garden more then him! Thank you! hope you enjoyed!
ReplyDeleteThe best part of spring break is when I went to the water park.The water park was the best because it had a supper cool slide for people 48inches . Also it had a lazy river. but it was hard to get out. It also had a little play aera for little kids. Also it had a basketball aera. Also it had a deep end.Also you can do whatever you want but you could not touch the brick. My brother touched the brick and got introuble. And so did a another kid. We got to go under wanter and hold are breath. This was the best part of spring break.
ReplyDeleteThe best paert about spering berack was I went to ride my dert bics and my gocart my mom did it to. We cood not owmost cood not find a spot to ride.I went to siven.