Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

What are your three New Year's Resolutions (goals) for 2014? Think about what your goals are and what you  need to do to make those goals happen.


  1. My gouls this year are to do more sports. Another one is to go outside more. I also want to run more. I also want to get better at art. I want to learn more about sience. Last I want to try drama. Gouls are fun!

  2. 2014 is a new me I have three things thatwill make it happen. First, Iwant to see my friend. I am going to do that by having more playdates. Then, I am going to be a bbetter dancer I am going to do that byre joining and taking it slower and practicing this time. Lastly, I am going to help my grandad.I am going to do that by going over more and helping him walk. all in all there are lots of things I want to start this year in 2014!

    The new year is a time to pop out of hibernating holes! First, I want to work on swimming. It is important because I want to win swim meets and the champion ships! I'll make it happen by getting on the swim team and practicing harder. Next, To pray to God. It is important because it will help when my baby brother can't breathe. Im' going to make it happen by kneeling and putting my hands together. Lastly, To help my baby brother when he can't breath. It is important because he is my brother and I don't want him to die. I'll make it happen by praying to God and begging him, and helping.
    Clearly as you can see, Ineed to catch up on 3 things this year.

    By: Abigail


  4. My news years resolution are...
    one is to keep my room cleaned after playing. The second one is to get better at softball because I want to show my dad I can play minors last year. The third one is I want to be a better speller. I want to be a better speller because I want to be in the spelling bee next year and congrats to Angel for winning the spelling bee this year. Those are my three new years resolutions

  5. My new Years Resolutions
    The year of 2014 is going to be a good year to make a new me. My new years Resolutions are:Win the spelling Bee, Read Faster, and Sprint Faster. First ,I want to Win the competitive Spelling bee. WInning the spelling Bee is important to me because I want to have a trophy from spelling,Launguage arts and Math.I am going to do this by Styding my words. Second, I want to read faster.Iwant to read faster because the books I read require a good tempo to read a book in a good amount of time.I am going to do this by reading every day and timing my self. Third,I want to sprint faster. I want to sprint faster because I want to win the walk-a-thon. I am going to do this by running around my house all the time. I think 2014 is going to be the best year so far!

    By : Venya

  6. my resolution this year is to keep my bed clean because it get really messy because I put to much junk on it know you now my reolution .

  7. My goals and resolutions for 2014 are to be more helpful, to catch up on jiji / homework,be a better friend, to be a better friend, also to be on time for every thing at school! I HOPE MY GOALS ARE AS GRAET AS YOURS! I like my biggest goal Its to........HELP EVERYONE BE HAPPY!

  8. My new year resolutions are...
    One to keep my room clean so when my mom is ready to yell I will surprise her. So I have a big miss and clean it up. 2 is to work faster so I can get more work don. And now you know. :) BY THADDEUS .S

  9. my new years resolutions are to write better have a strong brain to work with.Witch has more then a little bit.

  10. My new years resolutions are to help my mom do dishes . to make my own bed . To help my dad take out the trash . To clean my room . To help my mom do londre and to feed the dogs . Those are my new years resolutions !

  11. My goals for 2014 are...getting better at typing, because I still have to
    look at the keyboard. Next, I want to work on cleaning my dresser,
    because my dresser gets really dirty .... Last ,I want to better at
    math because I'm not the best at multiplication. Clearly
    I get better at the stuff ...!

  12. My new year resolutions are to go to Disney Land for the first time. Second resolution is to be better at multiplication. My next one is to run a little more. My last one is to type a little faster. Those are some of my goals. 2014 has been good so far. I know 2014 is going to ROCK!!!

  13. One of my favorite New Year goals are to:1.get 100% on every test so I get a good grade.2.Improve on my reading so I can read longer books.3.learn harder on math so I can do more long division. I hope you enjoyed my goals!

  14. My three goals for 2014 are to be a better baseball player, to ride my dirt bike better and my bike, and to read better. first, I need to work on my baseball because I have been doing terrible at hitting and a little at throwing. next, I need to work on my dirt bike riding because I haven't be riding that much because my dad been working on my sisters room alot. last, I need to work on my reading because t can't read that well.

  15. My New years resolution is to train my dog to roll over, play fetch and to catch balls in mid air. I want Stig to learn new tricks. This is my new years resolution.

  16. My new year's resolution is to erne 60 charms. My next goal is to pass jiji. My favorit goal is finsh H.P 1.Go golfing with dad. Sleding with mom.

  17. I resolve for 2014 to try ten new deserts. I also resolve to make it to states in gymnastics. I also resolve to make it to level seven in gymnastics.

    To try the ten new foods I will go to Moos Cakes a lot.

    To make to states I will try harder than ever during my meats.

    To make it to level seven I will try My hardest.

    I will work really hard to make these goals.

  18. first I would make a play about New Yaers. and add detell.then we would wach a movie. finally we would have a party! then all of the kids at the party that were liter then me would get to rid my eletrick scaccter.

  19. My new years resolution is to practice my reading skills. I can make this happen because I can read everyday to my mom and dad. The second new years resolution is to slow down on math. If I slow down on my I can get 100 percent on my test. My last thing is to practice my handwriting. I can write a paragraph every day after I do my homework . Those are my new years resolutions!!!
    Happy New Year!

    1. i liked how you gave reasons on how you would do it and not just why

  20. My new yers day resove I got my own thing it is the new rainbow loom I got to play with it a little but most I watch the computer. I think 2014 is going to be the best year so far.

  21. my new year resolution is to join a soccer competative liege,make ten goals in soccer, and help my mom in cooking. l am going to try to join a competative liege by training and practiceing. l am go ing to try make ten goals by practiceing makeing goals. my dad will be the goaly. l will help my mom by reading cook books and helping my mom with cooking. As you can see l have some new year resolutions.

  22. I have three goals I have this year. I want to improve on handwriting, typing, and math. First, I want to improve on my handwriting. I want to write much neater at the end of the year. Next, I want to improve on my typing. I need to learn not to look at the keyboard. Last, I want to know more math. Clearly, these are the three goals I have this year.

  23. My resolve is saving more money. and helping my mom with laundry .and helping my dad at work and nice.

  24. My New Years Resolution is for me to do better at swim. Also to be better at carroty. And to be better at baseball. Another is to be better at basketball.

  25. My new years resolutions are to be better at basketball because I want to be on a team. Next I want to get good at horseback riding because I want to be able to jump. Last I want to get better at drawing because it is fun. I love anew year! Hope you have a good 2014!

  26. my new year resaloshin is stop calling carol lasy bun's , play lese skylander;s, stop[ sneking candy ,have a bedeert additod ,stop tuching carols tummy and alot more thos are some of my reslooshons.Ihave many morer resloshons oyah one more go to bed at atetherdy and rede more the endi havemeny more like I saed now thos are my reasloshonsthe end

  27. my new year resolution is to make my room cleaner because my room is very messy only my bed is clean i think my parents will like my new years realotion.Dont you?


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